Updates to our web site
We've added some new features such as a new blog for the nursery and foundation phase as well as a blog for keystage 2.
We'll use these blogs to bring you updates and reports on happenings in school, they will include pictures and maybe even some video.
We've also added a Twitter account and the Twitter account gets information from our main school news blog. So if you would like to kept abreast of any school news please follow us on Twitter (@deightonprimary).
Did you know that our school calendar is available to share? If you have a Google account (If not they are free!) add a Google calendar to your profile. When you click on the Google Calendar button on the bottom of our Calendar page it will add the school's calendar to your Google calendar. You can then push this information to your smart phone. We'll be posting some detailed instructions shortly.
We hope you'll enjoy our web site and if you have any questions or suggestions please let us know.
Deighton Primary School