Saturday, 21 December 2013

Miss Lewis and Miss Whatley would like to say ...
Merry Christmas and 
A Happy New Year 
to 'The Hawks' and your families!
Have a great Christmas!


Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Christmas jumpers raise £71 for Text Santa!!

Today the whole of Deighton Primary School got into the festive spirit for our Christmas dinner and swapped our school uniform for Christmas jumpers and clothing! The day was in aid of Text Santa and raised a fantastic £71 for the charity!!
A big thank you to the children of year 6 for suggesting the fund raising idea!
Da iawn bawb!!

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Beautiful Christmas singing has crowd in tears!!

Today was the day for Tredegar Town's Christmas market and among the hustle and bustle of the stalls, the beautiful voices of Deighton Primary School Choir could be heard echoing through the town centre. The children, ranging from Year 2 to Year 6, along with choir leader Mrs. Middle had worked incredibly hard learning the words to all of the songs and their hard work certainly paid off. Every child knew the words to every song and sounded amazing!
A member of the audience even told one of the parents that the beautiful singing had brought her to tears!!
Da iawn to Deighton Choir and a massive diolch to Mrs Middle for leading the choir and giving up her time on a Saturday morning.